20 Mar 2023

Jobhappening Kortrijk

On Thursday, 23/03/2023, you can find Typhoon at the Job Fair in Kortrijk!
Interested in our job vacancies? Then be sure to stop by stand 18 at Kortrijk Xpo starting from 12:45 PM.You will meet project leaders who are actively engaged in the field and have considerable experience!

Job Fair Kortrijk

Open Curious about what we can offer you? configuration settings On Thursday, 23/03/2023, you can find Typhoon at the Job Fair in Kortrijk! Interested in our job openings? Be sure to visit us at stand 18 in Kortrijk Xpo from 12:45 PM.

You will meet project managers who are active in the field and have a lot of experience!

Curious about what we can do for you?

Contact our specialists at +32 56 69 46 50 or send an email to sales@typhoon.be

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